For more detailed information about Moibett Rovero, Rovero Firm, and their transformative impact on family wellbeing in Houston, please visit our website at

Houston, August 19th, 2024. Moibett Rovero, co-founder of Rovero Firm, has been honored with the 2024 Virginia Carter Award at the annual Primerica Convention, recognizing her outstanding leadership in the family wellbeing and insurance industry. This accolade underscores her role in propelling Rovero Firm to the forefront of the Houston insurance market, where the firm is known for its innovative asset protection and family wellbeing solutions.

Under Rovero’s guidance, the firm has impressively billed over $1 million in family and asset protection policies. This achievement highlights Rovero Firm’s potential as a market leader in family wellbeing, showcasing their commitment to delivering comprehensive solutions tailored to modern family needs.

"We are immensely proud of our achievements at Rovero Firm and remain committed to enhancing community wellbeing," stated Moibett Rovero. "The Virginia Carter Award reaffirms our dedication to providing unparalleled service and protection to our clients."

Rovero Firm’s pioneering strategies have revolutionized traditional insurance and financial planning. By integrating robust asset protection services with proactive family wellbeing programs, they ensure comprehensive security and prosperity for their clients.

For more detailed information about Moibett Rovero, Rovero Firm, and their transformative impact on family wellbeing in Houston, please visit our website at

About Rovero Firm: Established in 2022 by visionaries Moibett and Jesús Rafael Rovero, Rovero Firm rapidly rose as a leader in family wellbeing and asset protection in Houston. The firm blends vast professional expertise with a deep commitment to client welfare, continually advancing industry standards of excellence and leadership.

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